

Simone Leonegotti; he who is trapped between the feral urges of his bloodline and finding his humanity!


Past History

Born in Oakland, California (West Coast USA), Simone was the illegitimate product between Fenra Leonegotti and her sister Roma’s boyfriend, who left when he was a toddler (Simone’s only memory of him was when he got into an argument with Roma). Fenra had left Simone with Roma, who raised him as his “mother.”
Growing up, Simone’s living state was rather uncomfortable. Rather than accepting the fact that Simone’s father abandoned them and moving on, Roma burdened her very young “son” to deal with it alongside her. She proved to be manipulative and controlling, whether it be projecting and indoctrinating her ideas onto Simone, to forcing him to choose between her and the remaining family members (all the while projecting her view of familial love and how important it is on him) which she cut from her life over disagreements (such as her own parents criticizing her over having a kid she did not even intend to bring to the world), thus ensuring to herself the wrong way that she had his loyalty, all the way to using him as a means to secure personal placements in life— such as avoiding getting arrested by police, to pressuring others into sharing a roof with them, since Roma was unable to get her own place. Sometimes they would be completely homeless; it also didn’t help that she was a struggling alcoholic. Simone simply just could not get comfortable with a living situation, because, besides being practically homeless at times, he and Roma went back and forth around Oakland through different households at a time from her trying to secure a new partner.

Simone was a rather lonesome child outside of this as well— even around other similarly-brought up children, his peers wanted nothing to do with him.
Being brought up as Catholic, his religious school was one of the few consistent things in his life, but he was a book smart child who often mixed science with the religion he was being taught, resulting in strict, downright abusive treatment from his teacher at the time.

Entering his teenage years, he and Roma finally found a duplex to live in for a long period of time but by then, started becoming more rebellious, and would begin to confront her, who would gaslight him and accuse him of being self-centered and uncaring. The verbal fights would sometimes get so explosive, that it would end with her kicking him out of the duplex out to spend a night or more in the streets. Simone often would get caught by police officers, who would promptly bring him back home to an irritated Roma. The cycle became too much for her to tolerate, and she enrolled Simone in a boarding school for troubled teens; the process thereafter involving men hired to forcefully take him in the middle of the night and drive him to a camp in Utah, separated from contact with the outside world. There, for months, he, alongside other adolescents aged 13-18 there, slept in a closet, and was subject to back-to-back isolation from both the world he knew and other people, humiliation, hard labor, and sleep deprivation, as well as similar abuse to brainwashing and white torture, all to “correct” his behavior.
The facility was shut down by the state for child abuse, neglect and living conditions, and he was sent back home, but the damage was already done. Simone’s mental problems had only worsened, unsurprisingly, and he grew confrontational, distant and resentful, and once again the woman who he thought was his mother evicted him from the household when he turned 18.

Simone was found wandering the streets by his youth pastor, a man from his old Catholic school and perhaps one of the kinder authoritarian figures at the time, who just so happened to be driving by. The man had warned him of a group of shady people just around the corner ahead, and offered to take him to his home for shelter; an offer which Simone, who knew the pastor, didn’t refuse— unaware of the man’s true predatory intentions. Needless to say, the pastor had taken advantage of and forced himself onto Simone the moment they walked through his front door. After all was said and done, Simone, driven by pure adrenaline and anger, had brutalized and ultimately murdered his youth pastor with his bare hands.
Simone did not return to his own home after that, and remained on the run as the youth pastor’s hysteric wife had alerted the police as she returned to her residence to find her dead husband. Simone would have been cornered and shot in an alleyway, if the animalistic murder had not brought the attention of his true mother Fenra, who showed up just in time to slaughter the officers dispatched all in a first impression of being protective, and introduced herself as a “close relative”, and someone who knew Roma (who, she neglected to include, was her sister). Fenra gave Simone the option to live with her, to get away from the stressful and chaotic life he had been living. At first Simone wanted nothing to do with anyone else, resenting the idea of depending on another especially after what had transpired the night before, he reluctantly agreed after realizing that the police would either kill or arrest him if he refused.

Fenra was a mercenary, and with Simone living with her, she taught him how to fight, all the way down to professionally taking a life. She had also told him the truth behind their family, that they were descendants of a German serial killer from the Dark Ages, known as Peter Stubbe, who was so cruel and animalistic he was accused of being a werewolf by the neighboring villagers; and went out of her way into teaching Simone his martial art, which would be known as ‘Wild Hunt’ (ワイルドハント). While the training was unbelievably harsh and contributed to a large sum of scars Simone currently has, he proved to be a natural at it, his physiology pairing well with it.
Surprisingly though, Fenra had treated Simone well, making sure he was hygienic and fed. He was not quite used to this sort of relationship, and while he had a proper mother-figure, he also was almost uncomfortable with how easy things were now, and it would take time for him to ease into it— but the real trigger was Fenra’s final part of training: as the final trial, she instructed Simone to kill a small family she had kidnapped. Recognizing the difference between his last kill and these frightened individuals, Simone was indecisive, and Fenra proceeded to try to convince him that their lives meant nothing, essentially serving as little more than food on their plates. Simone realized where some of his meals came from then, and Fenra continued to talk to Simone, reasoning that he of all people should know how harsh the world is, and his morals do nothing but starve him, before growing frustrated and killing the family herself right in front of him, attempting to show how their lives in turn didn’t cost the two anything. Simone then promptly attacks Fenra, who proceeds to savagely beat him within an inch of his life, and thereafter admitting that the reason she took him in was because he was her son— Roma was never Simone’s mother, Fenra was, before acknowledging her mistake in not keeping him to raise herself. Simone, with the last of his energy, surprises Fenra before making his getaway. Fenra prepares to go after him, but she stops herself, seemingly in a sort of inner conflict before deciding to let him go, knowing that there’s ample time to track him down later.
This incident is later blocked by Simone’s mind as a trauma response, and large portions of this event were suppressed within his memory.

Lost, both within himself and in the crime-and poverty-filled streets of Oakland, young adult Simone was unsure of which direction to take, before deciding he needed to go as far away as he could, using his new skills to make illegal money and forging all travel preparations and taking them on a series of travels to the nearest Japanese embassy. Once he touched down in Japan, however, the Inside (中なか, Naka) was the only place his preparations could get him, and settled down within the zone via escort. While the area he resided within is unspecified, it was much harsher and unforgiving than Oakland could ever be, and he came close to death multiple times, but he proved to be a survivor in the lawless hellscape and made a living on anything-goes pit fighting, as he figured it was the only thing he could do left. Within the first few days he lived there, the Inside had molded and changed him more than any other place he had been; he became wild, hunting for the personal feeling of the thrill of it, cranking up any rage and bloodthirst he had within him much further.

The Inside

Eventually, after rising up in the ranks, he was offered to join Death Fight, a minor fighting league hosted by the yakuza, who offered to take him out of the Inside to participate. Making a real name for himself in his first couple fights, he earned the attention of an energy drink company’s CEO Nakamoto Heise, who bought him from the yakuza. The company itself was known as Rockstart, which he represented in his early matches. His debut match was against fighter Hong Xiao-Hu, whom he defeated in slightly more than a minute. Even barring his connections to the yakuza, Nakamoto Heise lost himself after a recent divorce, and he took advantage of Simone’s power and his lack of responsibility over it, and Simone allowed Heise to manipulate him due to his poor one-dimensional view of himself (something Heise was happy to continue reinforcing, while personally viewing him as an attack dog). If there was one factor that barely held Simone back from being a man of true depravity, however, it was moving into an apartment with Kara Mikaeldottir, a fellow troubled foreigner. While their relationship was extremely rocky at first, she contributed to a large portion of his social aptitude and further self-reflection, something which Nakamoto noticed and told Simone to dismiss.
Afterwards, he slightly changed his work environment, finding a preference in a new employer that was Rakuzen Co. led by CEO Chizuru Hirawa, who has her own personal agenda against the Kengan Association. Little did he know, she indirectly influenced Simone’s divide from Nakamoto by holding his own company over his head.
Eventually Simone himself was prompted to challenge Rakuzen’s current fighter, Yuko Kuzo (former pupil of the Fifth Fang of Metsudo Kanoh Agito), as per fighters who wanted to participate in the Kengan Association’s fights could. While he didn’t win, Chizuru Hirawa decided to keep him as a secondary fighter, effectively establishing the finishing piece to take him from Rockstart, and Nakamoto Heise.

Current History

Simone spent the rest of his days as a fighter for Rakuzen Co., however the transfer to a new company meant Simone had to move out of his apartment with Kara, who he had grown a close relationship with. While he was encouraged to be a monster by Nakamoto Heise and Chizuru Hirawa, Kara appealed to Simone’s humanity, and she encouraged him to grow as a person from other experiences, not just her. After several fights with both Simone and Yuko Kuzo, Chizuru Hirawa successfully spread her influence throughout the Kengan Association, collecting fighters from other companies after beating them such as Julius ’The Monster’ Reinhold and Imai ’The King of Stranglers’ Cosmo. This had attracted the attention of the Kure Clan however, who seemed to put a stop to the just-emerging competition, and were not above sending assassins to clear the board. While the other fighters of Rakuzen dispatched their respective would-be assassins rather easily, Simone had more difficulty doing so; having barely survived an ambush staged by five of the Kure with access to Removal, poisoned and surrounded by traps meant to limit the Oakland Werewolf’s movement, one of his cheeks was blown out by a surprise handgun concealed by the last surviving Kure, and Simone went on to wear a mask to conceal this injury. Imai Cosmo may have been the only fighter to not kill his assassins, instead talking them down; as it turns out, Cosmo was still very much in talks with Kureishi Mitsuyo and Nishihonji Akira (who in turn negotiated with the Kure Clan to reconsider Imai Cosmo’s situation), who were working to separate him from Rakuzen, but Imai Cosmo saw his circumstance as an opportunity to plant doubts in Simone’s mind concerning the thought of killing, wondering if maybe he could possibly “free” Simone as well. At the same time, with more powerful fighters Chizuru has access to, she opted to leave Simone out of a majority of the matches in favor of the others. This worsened Simone’s mental state, leaving him to develop something of an inferiority complex especially as he compared his own luck against the Kure with his coworkers. This drove him to encourage exhibition matches between himself and a few of these particular fighters, the first of which being Julius Reinhold, who defeated him with middle-ground difficulty.
Increasingly frustrated, he saw an opportunity within Imai Cosmo; Simone volunteered to personally train the King of Stranglers, though this was to set the stage for two things he anticipated— gaining Chizuru Hirawa’s attention, or the death he had been waiting for. In this next exhibition match, and with plastic surgery restoring Simone’s former looks, he engaged in a drawn-out and gruesome fight with the man he recognized as his best friend, and ultimately used Cosmo’s Modified Python Hold to snap his own neck. He survived this however, and went to meet with Cosmo, realizing the impact this event would have; however, this had caused a drift between him and the grappler, who had just believed he had killed a close friend, and not only him, but also Yuko, who was heartbroken and angered by the prospect that Simone tried to throw his life away.
Unfortunately, Simone’s exhibitions had also opened the door for Katahara Metsudo to notice Rakuzen’s stagnancy within the tournament, and made his move against the rival organization (delighting in the nostalgia of the days where he was once the challenger) sending his son Katahara Retsudo, and assassin and new member of the Extermination Squad Kanzaki Aiko (who was also from the Inside) to dispose of the threat in arranged matches; mind games played by the Dainippon Bank CEO. This had baited Chizuru Hirawa herself, a former B-List Purgatory gladiator, to participate against Katahara Retsudo, a foolish choice that led to her defeat. The Kure Clan had intended to retaliate for their fallen members as well, but this was postponed due to their conflict with the Westward Faction, and the death of the Clan’s patriarch Kure Erioh, and they were left to mourn his death and arrange a new patriarch. Likewise, Metsudo’s terms upon victory was also postponed in favor of recognizing a larger threat; the Association coming together to hunt a bigger threat known as the Worm, a terrorist group who had a history of sabotaging the Kengan and Purgatory matches. Simone joined the hunt independently after a Worm attack on Yuko due to her connections with Kanoh Agito (and thus a loose end of the ’Other Tokita Niko’), and he faced the White Worm Bái Huizhong, who ordered the attack on Yuko, in a bloody stalemate until the arrival of current Fang of Metsudo Misasa scared off the Worm. The two exchanged foreboding words until Simone bitterly left the scene.
While he wanted to participate in the upcoming Berserker Bowl tournament, he found that all the fighter slots were taken up (much to his anger).
However, he had more pressing matters; Cosmo was to return to his original company for the Berserker Bowl, and Julius went his own way. Yuko, utterly overwhelmed with Chizuru’s emotionally-driven involvement against Metsudo and subsequent defeat, led to Yuko arguing with her wife, before leaving the company temporarily to adventure abroad and clear her mind (that is, venturing to learn from the Westward Faction), with Simone being the only remaining fighter for Rakuzen; a burden only growing heavier upon him. Chizuru herself had the board of directors temporarily pass her responsibilities to her brother Masaru Hirawa, as she worked alongside Kiku Hirawa, until she eventually returned with a new confidence.
Simone meanwhile had decided to take a small break, refusing to acknowledge Masaru and with Rakuzen Co. going nowhere, the ’Oakland Werewolf’ himself troubled, he sought to return to the apartment he resided in alongside Kara Mikaeldottir for his birthday, looking to reunite with her, only to find her critically injured on the floor; her blood on the wall deliberately written to wish him a happy birthday.

Exhausted from getting Kara to the hospital and tangling with a group of delinquents on the way back, Simone had returned to Rakuzen to find Chizuru waiting for him. Yuko had also returned to the company, but had left once again before Simone showed up to personally ask for help from Katahara Metsudo himself (with support from Kanoh Agito) after her negotiations with the Westward failed. Simone had found no benefit to his current lifestyle, and the attack on Kara was the final straw which led Simone to seek retirement, putting in his two weeks for Rakuzen and succumbing to an alcohol addiction, however after Yuko’s attempts at asking Katahara Metsudo for help failed, she also wanted to retire to live life alongside Chizuru. What should’ve been a warm reunion turned into an argument as Simone refused to stay to take her place, and he left to make final arrangements at the Rakuzen offices, only to find most of the place massacred, with the remaining guards attacking him— it was clear that Simone had been framed, and he quickly made his escape, isolated from his company. He did, however, take this opportunity to apply for several other careers and finish his education; all of which failed, drilling home the fact that he can never live a normal life, at least as a member of common society.
Sometime in the distant future, on the same day his rival/friend Yuko Kuzo fights her former mentor Kanoh Agito, Simone’s own journey concludes on a bittersweet note, ultimately succumbing to grievous injuries sustained in his fight against Hayakuwa Samato, a distant relative of the Kure Clan and a peerless nak muay who represents the raw inhumanity Simone crawled away from.

Simone is a non-binary individual of slightly-below average height (167cm | 5’6”), with black hair that started out as a medium-length, spiky, disheveled style early on, before it eventually grew to reach a little past his shoulders over his career, tousled in a feathery mane. Despite its rugged looks, it’s described to be surprisingly soft.

His face is framed surprisingly nicely, with strong feminine features (though it commonly wears a scowl or some surly expression) with expressive, brilliant amber eyes, like staring into the core of a hearth. Oddly enough, they seem to have a retroreflective quality to them— appearing to reflect light or glow in the shadows. Through his early to mid-career, they were traced along the corners with red eyeliner, though he currently adopted dark eyeshadow. If he were to open his mouth, long, curved canines on both upper and lower jaws would greet whatever they face, along with somewhat human-like molars were it not for the addition of carnassial teeth. To create room for these teeth, he has lips that appear very plush and full due to the space within his mouth, accentuating his feminine looks. His button nose coincidentally resembles that of a wolf.
Once one of his cheeks was blasted through from an attempt on his life by the Kure Clan, resulting in a ghastly disfigurement that exposed his teeth almost in a permanent snarl on the right side of his face. He wore a mask to cover it until he arranged for plastic surgery to restore him to his original looks.
He has a variety of piercings as well, typically with red studs of jewelry, on his nose and earlobes.

He has a rather unique physique; while he is lean and especially defined, how his muscle appears distributed and shaped through his body is more comparable to that of an animal— like a 70kg wolf rather than a person of that weight, from powerfully-built legs that are comparable in width to beer kegs, set in wide hips that trail up to a streamlined waist, while his upper back, chest, and shoulders are particularly beefy, which ends up giving him something of an hourglass build; making him look completely androgynous.
His skin is a somewhat tanned complexion, decorated with scars of varying shapes and sizes throughout his body, smaller and more numerous ones around his knuckles and fingers; so much so that his fingers particularly are 90% scar tissue. He also has a few tattoos such as an inked forest silhouette around his left wrist, and a traditional Japanese-style image of a werewolf on his back.
He seems to paint his nails black.

His Kengan combat attire is a dark grey pair of shorts with red along the waistband, the logo of the company ‘Rakuzen’ on the left side. He possesses black ankle braces as well.
For casual wear, he seems to favor elaborate, flashy alternative clothing inspired by bikers or goths.

As a child, he looked small and thin (possibly from malnourishment), and he had a mohawk sort of hairstyle. He had large, expressive eyes with a pronounced brow that gave him the facial appearance similar to a wolf.

Simone at first was an individual with irrationally violent disposition; brusque, vulgar, and highly confrontational, uncooperative, and borderline anti-social. His reclusive nature only allowed hostility toward those attempting to connect with him, and to keep him in the vicinity was to promise misfortune upon those nearby; after his first Kengan match, he had leapt into the crowd and attacked the spectators because he “didn’t like the way they were looking at him.” He almost always tried to look for an excuse to murder if he could, and if he were calm one moment, it would take very little for a switch to flip within him; threatening even people of the same company, behaving similarly to a rabid monster.
However, despite generally giving that impression that he’s simple-minded, he is surprisingly intelligent and reflective. As a child, he loved science and has an unusual aptitude for the language arts; as an adult, he learned nearly full Japanese in just a month. In battles, he works to analyze his opponent, and recognizes many forms of martial arts. He actively wishes to give the impression that he’s nothing more than a savage brute in fights, so that his opponent doesn’t catch on to him learning how to beat them.
With some time within Rakuzen Co., learning to interact with others, and spending time with Kara Mikaeldottir, Simone became a far more reasonable person, but still prone to violent outbursts and getting into trouble for his amusement, many behaviors characteristic of a delinquent. He was hyper-competitive, and strived to be the absolute best, taking aim to be the strongest and often butting heads with other fighters for that reason, in particular seeking to overcome Yuko Kuzo. However, in this pursuit of power, Simone began a search for a battle that would either kill him or set him free. This wasn’t simply a want for a good fight, but Simone, upon realizing how damaged he actually was, seemed to truly want a taste of a normal life, despite his demeanor, interested in becoming a morally-corrected person and resolving the negatives within and becoming “human” himself, but having no idea how to start— misguidedly believing a life-changing battle to the death would be the answer he was looking for; a manifestation of his loathing for his family and a self-reflection that he did not realize.
In recent arcs, he is already making progress, developing better social skills thanks to his experiences with the other fighters in the organization and Rakuzen, though it takes time slipping through his blunt and bitter exterior.
He can come across as a gruff loner with a serious temper, with the occasional snark, but he is just as much discovering himself as he is analyzing others (if he cares enough about them); aware of how he acts and reacts, noticing his instincts and habits and using them as rationale to fill in blanks in his memory or to find a root for improvement. He also reflects on his self-restraint, which he previously favored to cast aside, and continues to work on developing it to the point where he would not kill his opponents even if the opportunity was present— however, he can still be pushed into a terrible rage that compels him to do so anyway. A core motivation for this being his resentment for his family, wanting nothing to do with them and having everything to prove, especially to his old employer Nakamoto Heise, who had these last words to say to Simone:
”What did you ever do other than kill!? What did you ever—!?”Ironically, as much as he pushes it away, Simone has an overarching emotional need for a new family, which he found within Rakuzen Co.; however gruff he is towards them, he feels a sense of debt to them because he feels they gave him a new chance at life, fighting no longer for his enjoyment but to pay them back. However, he also sees himself as a source of danger for them, leading him to be torn between being protective and pushing them away; his struggling nature, from this to his desperation to separate himself from his family, forever dooms him to not feel whole, to struggle forever to feel fully human, what a biased society would call normal, hinting a form of self-loathing only a cursed man could have.

Simone has a different musculature compared to other people, possessing more ‘fast-twitch’ muscle fibers; a gift from his beast-like family that enables explosive bursts of activity and power. This allows him to strike far above his weight class while reacting and moving extremely quickly, but it doesn’t exactly affect his overall strength outside of sudden bursts like striking and throwing; his overall strength, such as lifting, still remains in his weight class. This means he can still be outmuscled by those with larger mass.
He was able to stand on even grounds with many formidable opponents such as Yuko Kuzo and Imai Cosmo, and has tested the reaction time of the Worm Bái Huizhong (70 milliseconds) with nothing but pure ferocity. Beforehand, he successfully fought off a carefully-prepared attack by five minor members of the Kure Clan (each having a Removal rate of 19, 20, 36, 50, and 65% respectively). Even while ambushed, poisoned, and with traps and wires limiting the Oakland Werewolf’s maneuverability, he still barely managed to kill every would-be assassin except one, which he allowed to return to the village as a message.
One of Simone’s signature physical attributes is his bite. His neck and jaw are streamlined with dense muscle that have seemingly evolved and developed to use through bite force, his teeth and jaw bone sturdy and firmly rooted, multiple times more resilient than the average man’s, built to withstand and exert tremendous pressure, coincidentally offering him increased resistance to blows that would normally knock out someone of his body weight. His canines in particular are long and curved for the purpose of puncturing, gripping and tearing. They have proved to be a ferocious weapon capable of even piercing through Yuko Kuzo’s incomplete Adamantine Kata: Indestructible and have turned the tides of battle multiple times.
Martial Arts
Simone has two styles he can count on; the first of which being what he considers to be his ‘𝑯𝑼𝑴𝑨𝑵 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑰𝑨𝑳 𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑺’, a custom-mixed system of mostly-striking techniques in combat arts such as boxing, lethwei, and sambo, although the doesn’t practice the individual martial arts themselves. This isn’t a ‘martial art’ Simone is excellent at though, so he often uses it to get a general read of his opponents and understand their reach, reaction time and responses, and get a reasonable grasp of their capabilities.
Simone has learned a few new tricks added into this system since his employment in Rakuzen, namely squared against fellow fighter Yuko Kuzo. Though reluctant, he can use them if pushed into a corner.
Killpop- While it is primarily a striking-focused style, it does employ some grapples, mainly throws for his smaller size. This one grabs not the arms, nor the shoulders; but the rib cage of the target, before sharply turning and hurling them over his shoulder— a specific variation of a known throw unique to Simone, only attained by a man(?) who had risked his life training.
Black Dhalia- Another new development from his ‘𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒’; Simone springs up and rotates his waist, torque carrying both split legs into a rising combination of kicks that ends with a kick downward, planting upon the back of the opponent's head until he slams it down jaw-open in a “professional curbstomp.” All executed in a single move thanks to momentum.
It can check forward charges, but works best as a counter for opposing aerial or jumping attacks.
Magenta Coil- A quadruple-combination strike with a backwards roundhouse, following the exact reverse movement of a standard roundhouse, striking with the heel. Simone starts low, compressing the fast-twitch fibers within his core, with a starting stance of suggesting a Thai-based roundhouse, only to release his core muscles and rotate back with a strike to the groin and then the thigh, coming around to twin high kicks not to the jaw, but to the throat. It is a mail-piercer strike.
Most surprisingly, he knows a singular technique from the ’NIKO STYLE’ (二に虎こ流りゅう, Niko-ryū), learning this technique from witnessing Yuko Kuzo use it multiple times, and he chose this move because it was the most difficult to master.
Flame Kata Ultimate Technique: Earth-Shrinking- The essence of this technique lays in "standing on one's bones alone" without the use of the muscles. It relies on shifting one's center of gravity to move, with its "interval" visibly different from regular motions. It yields the illusion that the user is backstepping and the distance between the user and the opponent suddenly shrinking.
Following the Berserker Bowl timeskip, he has learned to use this move on all fours, thus adding his own application.

Simone also possesses another technique shared from Yuko, namely from her developments with ’FORMLESS’ (無 (む) 形 (けい), Mukei).
Zero Shift- A technique that was originally created by Yuko Kuzo. With FORMLESS being a style composed of a repertoire of techniques to hand-pick from to adapt to a certain opponent, this technique is a special move combining multiple attributes of several of those techniques, the inherit flexibility springing the fighter in any direction from one position to another within a 0.1 second, similar to Imai Cosmo’s ’ZONE’. It was developed specifically in response to a world where most of her opponents are guaranteed to be bigger than her. It is by no means a fight ender, but it is to help the user when backed into a corner, utilizing their smaller size to dance around their larger opponents and strike.
Simone has an even smaller buildthan Yuko; the two fighters worked on this technique together, and thus learned and expanded upon it together. It is the only true 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 “technique” Simone knows.
However, his ‘𝑯𝑼𝑴𝑨𝑵 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑰𝑨𝑳 𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑺’ are not what Simone himself specializes in— his true martial art is a series of bestial techniques passed down his bloodline, called ’𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑫 𝑯𝑼𝑵𝑻’ (ワイルドハント, Wairudohanto).
Wild Hunt is an unpredictable, mostly grappling-oriented style based roughly on the attack pattern of an actual wolf, using all four limbs in an animalistic manner for maximized mobility and unpredictability, with the use of cutting/piercing attacks, biting, tearing, and grappling.
Silver Bullet- This move usually follows a counterattack method; the user times the moment they have been struck with an attack, and in that exact same timing of which it landed, the user strikes outward with a fast, heavy counterattack from a low angle (as though from a four-legged beast) powered by the oxygen forced out from them, making use of the opening the opponent usually has when on the offensive. A move made by someone else to counter Simone but ironically taken and perfected by him; it works best when unexpected.
Ragged Edge- The striking system of Wild Hunt. It has two applications: Tooth and Claw; for Tooth, Simone curls his fingers into the tops of his palm as though to mimic a paw to use the bone of his knuckles as slashing tools. He can also apply these to his toes. While it can be used as a harassment tool, it is used to its full and intended effect only after tenderizing and damaging the target area with blunt force first; previous muscle injury and lack of strength within it can cause it to cleave deeper. For the Claw variant, it is an open-handed application that only partially curls the fingers, resembling the Tiger Claw from the martial art Fu Jow Pai, opting to strike softer targets like the throat, eyes, ligaments, pressure points, etc. or alternatively, grapple with piercing force.
Butcher Fang- A bite with the same principles of a snap punch. It is a quick clamp of the jaws and teeth that aims to minimize the contact time with the target, preserving his defense. The snapping teeth strike the target and release almost immediately after it makes contact; instead of just clenching down into his opponent with the muscles of his mandibles, Simone is using acceleration and power to deliver a crushing bite to his target. It is meant to crush nerves; as a result, a loss of function in the area struck.
Eclipse- Moving into the shadow of the opponent on all fours, it is followed by a quick crescent sweep that takes the opponent by the legs. It can be followed by any other move except Silver Bullet.
Chains of Fenrir-This technique is a form of disrupting and stemming the flow of power from an opponent by squeezing them; first using the opponent’s limbs as a means of clambering over and around in surprising manipulation of Simone’s own body to hook over and effectively lock himself around the opponent until his hands meet his legs in a four-limbed bearhug, like the jaws of a giant wolf or the wrapping of a ribbon. By cutting off the opponents leverage and exerting his own force, he disperses the power of his target; the more the target resists, the tighter the hold gets.
Moondust- A move that slips through an enemy’s attack by relaxing the body, allowing better use of speed and taking the opponent to the floor by gripping into their windpipe or calf muscle. It is to be executed as one singular movement.
Deepest Bite- A technique developed for use against the muscular system. The user grabs and digs beneath the target’s muscle, and tears into the perimysium and/or the fascia network, ripping it loose from their bone beneath the skin, thus breaking down support and weakening the opponent. This isn’t so much targeting the muscle itself in which case, but rather the connection and seams, thus preventing muscular application as well, evening the playing field if used against a stronger opponent.
A technique he developed after his defeat to Julius Reinhold.
Thyestian Ripper- This biting technique can be applicable standing or on the ground. The bite itself is nothing more than a hold, and from there Simone quickly rotates his body as though commuting to a “death roll”. With the angular velocity and force following the bite, he can fully dislocate, break the limb he is biting (by either exceeding the limb’s range of motion or just forcefully cranking it hard enough) or apply centrifugal force to throw the opponent if he releases.
Blood Moon- It is a move that appears to push forward like a tackle, only to go in head-first, and using that momentum to shove the hands forward; meant to break the guard of highly-defensive targets forcing obstacles apart, Simone would use ’Ragged Edge: Claw’ to dig into the diaphragm, the palms facing opposite from each other, then forces his hands apart, damaging the lower rib cage and usually splitting it, to open up vital areas as the arms are swung from each other in an arch.
It is a fast move, but extremely linear, and leaves the user open though if the move fails.
Negative Crunch- A modified hurricanrana from ‘𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓’, Simone bursts forth from a position on all fours, possibly a takedown feint, and if an action is made against that involving the opponent reaching out in some way (stuffing the “takedown”, a straight, etc.) he grabs ahold of that limb in turn and uses it as a means to twist his lower torso upwards, wrapping his legs around the opponent’s neck and twisting it around at high speeds, before using that momentum and core strength to utterly throw his opponent onto their head or neck.
Hunter’s Moon- This move utilizes grappling through biting; Simone bites onto a specific joint of the target’s limb (usually after the opponent has attacked); his teeth and jaws holding on so the opponent cannot escape, all the while also using it to pull the target into compromising positions and attacks from him (pulling them into an incoming hook, destabilizing footwork, etc.).
A move practiced and evolved since Simone’s fight with Imai Cosmo.
Dead of Night- The state of refined instincts and combat performance in complete darkness. Once plunged into the shadows, the user’s senses, focus, and environmental/defensive awareness are honed to an almost-supernatural level, thus granting the user an increase in combat skill.
This is the natural state of Simone’s family, but he still constantly works to unlock it.
Familial Exclusive Technique
The unique biology of a member of the Stubbe-Leonegotti family allows them to withstand and utilize a technique that turns them into ‘battle monsters’; this is called “Late Phase” (新月, Shingetsu).

His first trump card, it is an application of muscle control that activates all the fast twitch fibers in Simone’s body, while compressing, stretching, and then bursting his main musculature forth to hold his joints, pelvis and shoulders to better support a human body taking on a mostly-quadrupedal stance, maximizing speed and maneuverability and producing a more favorable build to make the most out of the martial art it is based from. A power boost is a small obvious bonus, but not without drawbacks; it is a straining and painful technique fit for a masochist or a man who’s rage overwhelms his agony (Simone couldn’t stand using it for the first few years after he learned it, and only recently started to build tolerance). The joints themselves are also quite vulnerable to attack, and there is a temporary brain structure change as well; the connection of the anterior cingulate gyrus is interrupted to a degree, the site of moral reasoning. This brings the cost of recognizing serious threats/empathy, and bestows a more aggressive and merciless demeanor.
Simone himself first introduced a hint of this technique in his first fight with Yuko Kuzo, when he couldn’t withstand the tremendous output of the technique and collapsed; he has since honed his ability to being able to use it in quick bursts.
Because of this, it's generally viewed as a last resort, or to overwhelm and corral targets into a finishing strike, NOT for brawling, which clashed with Simone’s approach during his first few years of fighting,

Simone, with mastery over Wild Hunt since the Berserker Bowl timeskip, has mixed the ultimate technique of his own martial art with that of the Niko Style.
Wild Hunt ✘ Niko Style Flame Kata: Black Shuck- The absolute pinnacle of both styles merged into a tactical yet explosive move. He uses 𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐇-𝐒𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 to cover up activating 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄 the very instant he attacks, so it appears as though he is attacking in his base (when in reality he is “flickering” into Late Phase, and also attacking much faster than he appears) then immediately switching back to base, releasing it in an explosion of power within a “snap” of full-body movement, further increased by the maneuverability and slight mass boost from the technique.
Due to the tremendous requirements placed upon his bones from both techniques working in tandem, he can only use it once, and has to use it with remarkable precision upon himself; should he make one mistake, it would be crippling. Likewise, there are only certain situations when it can be used at all.

Though many find Simone unapproachable and hostile, he has quite a few connections.
Kara Mikaeldottir— Simone’s first roommate. Polar opposites, they at first had a very rough relationship, though as Simone grew more adjusted to her, they became extremely close over the months they lived together, arguably being Simone’s first friend, and one of the few able to reach his softer side; as a result, the two have shared her bed when he got cold, and he often came back with her favorite snacks and microwave food when he returned from downtown, for example. It is hinted that the two have been intimate.
Yuko Kuzo
Imai Cosmo
Chizuru Hirawa
Lupin— Simone’s cat.
Adam Dudley
Kanzaki Aiko
Kiku Hirawa
Ryuu— Kiku Hirawa’s cat.
Fenra Leonegotti
Roma Leonegotti
Nakamoto Heise
Julius Reinhold

  • The creator initially planned for Simone to be a short and stocky biker character, with inspiration from Marvel’s Wolverine, similar to how Meguro Masaki was based off of Venom, but he thought it would be “too on the nose,” and he wanted to do something different from the burly “beastman” archetype. So the author chose to make Simone more androgynous with some gothic and alternative features inspired by a horror aesthetic, but also kept a lot of animalistic physical characteristics, like eyes, fangs— “I even thought of cauliflower ears shaped like a wolf’s, so he’d still look tough, but that idea didn’t stick.”

  • Author’s Note: “I didn’t design his body to be overtly feminine just for fan-service and thematic choice; much of his build is legitimately inspired by the anatomy of wolves, especially speculative werewolf biology.”

  • Many of the technique names within Simone’s ‘Human Martial Arts’ are references to metal/rock songs.

  • A timeskip Simone appearance is in the works, representing his greater mental clarity and self-acceptance, but also his trauma actually paving way to FUEL his journey through his martial arts rather than hinder.

  • His current entrance theme under Rakuzen Co. is the sythwave-rock song “Werewolf” by Motionless in White.

  • His hobbies include practicing his tattoo gun on rawhide, reading (especially in small coffee shops), playing pool and poker, clothe-shopping, exploring abandoned and/or “haunted” properties, and watching horror movies.

  • His birthday is October 30th.

  • He is of Italian, Romani, and German descent. He does know the Italian language in addition to English and Japanese, but he refuses to speak it out of spite.

  • Simone is bisexual, with a heavy gynesexual lean.

  • His main martial art, Wild Hunt, has an interesting history; Started in 1564, it is a violent, primal style that Peter Stubbe used to commit his heinous crimes while "assuming the guise of a large and greedy wolf." He has confessed to have slaughtered many with it until he was finally caught, tortured on the wheel, beheaded, and burned at the stake. It was picked back up and used two centuries later by a Sicilian woman simply known as La Betè du Gévaudan (“The Beast of Gevaudan”), who went on a rampage across southern France until she was finally shot by her husband, who expected an actual monster. Then, there was a man who went by the moniker of the ’Hound of Mons’, who rampaged through the trenches of Belgium, striking fear through the British front. Three generations later, there existed the ‘Morbach Monster,’ (or the ’Last Werewolf’) who terrorized German and American soldiers deployed in an airbase in Wittlich, Germany back in the 1980’s. Currently, only a few members of the Leonegotti keep up its practice, particularly Fenra and Simone.

  • While he lived in an apartment before expanding to sharing the Hirawa mansion, he dreams of more simple taste— one day buying or building a cottage, preferably in the woods. His greatest dream is to settle down there, and die with satisfaction and happiness, with nothing but a peaceful mind. If not— he actively sought a fight to the death with anyone he deemed worthy of ending his misery, though he pushed away from this path upon his drift with Imai Cosmo.

  • He usually spends his prize money from pit-fights and the Kengan matches on motorcycle parts, tattoo ink and mods, makeup, and flamboyant outfits. Then he wonders why he’s so poor.

  • Simone has aviators of three colors; black, red, and rose respectively.

  • It’s believed that red in sunglasses are good for depth perception— seeing where an object begins and a shadow ends much easier, perhaps slightly improving already highly keen nocturnal eyes, giving the wearer a decided edge over other similar beings. Red is also supposed to help provoke and stimulate hunter instincts and aggression in most mammalian predators. It is also his favorite color. In contrast, rose glasses are supposed to reduce negativity and render one calm.

  • He is well known for giving tattoos, and has given many, fighter and company laborer alike, his touch of ink, such as Kanzaki Aiko. However, he does not have the medical license necessary for legal service in Japan, so he prefers to keep it discrete.

  • He used to drink, favoring margaritas and hard ciders, and has formed an addiction that he defeated awhile back. This does not mix well with Simone’s biology, which allows him to take on a more carnivorous diet without the complications the average person would have from the same diet, because this means he does not metabolize alcohol well, and can get easily intoxicated.